Meet Our Healers

certified vaginal steam practitioners

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Carefully crafted options for your needs and desires.

Steamy Foundations

with Julia Demillones Moore

Julia is a Certified Vaginal Steam Practitioner, herbalist, cycle awareness educator and advocate for body sovereignty.

Her specialties include support for painful and debilitating periods, transitioning off of hormonal birth control, and holistic fertility.

Teaching women how to safely vaginal steam at home to nourish and connect to their body and cycles is her honor and joy.

Book with Julia Today

Womb Healing Consultation

with Zaire Sabb, RN

Zaire is a Registered Nurse, Midwife, Herbalist, and Advanced Certified Vaginal Steam Practitioner.

Her RN expertise and advanced studies in vaginal steaming make her a particularly adept guide for those navigating more complex womb health concerns including:

  • Fertility + TTC
  • Fibroids & Cysts
  • Endometriosis
  • Chronic Yeast Infections & BV
  • Peri-Menopause and Menopause 
  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse 
BOOK NOW FOR an OCTOBER consultation with Zaire

Womb Wisdom Personalized Retreat

with Kit Maloney, Founder of Kitara

Kit is a life long student of holistic healing. She has studied multiple holistic modalities for decades and traveled the world working alongside renowned healers.

She is now offering highly custom virtual mini-retreats to guide you through unlocking your innate healing, unleashing the power of your womb wisdom, and aligning you with your highest self.

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