Kitara's Guiding Values


We believe compassion is the prerequisite to all sustainable healing. For ourselves, for each other, for the planet. 


We are open. The more we know, the more room there is to learn.

We trust women and yoni bodied humans - our lived experiences, our wisdom, our innate ability to heal. 
Our minds, our souls, and our product line are all designed to celebrate an expansion of creativity and growth. Yoni expansion, after all, is at the root of our creation and existence as humans and also as our brand. 
In gratitude, we find unlock divine flow and come more and more alive.

Our Founder

Kit Maloney

For twenty years Kit Maloney has been an activist, academic, and entrepreneur committed to channeling her passion for gender equity into a celebration of women and yoni bodied folks embodied health and healing. She’s earned a Masters degree in Gender and Social Policy from the London School of Economics and has been featured widely in the media, including Glamour, Self, and Bustle.

She is also the founder of O’actually & The Pleasure Pledge, two ventures honoring female sexual pleasure (and orgasms!) for safety, healing, and empowerment. Marie Claire named Kit an "Amazing Woman" for her work celebrating women's sexuality.  

Skeptic to CEO

Kit's certainly no newbie to talking about taboo, exploring alternative healing modalities, and championing yoni bodied wisdom. And yet... 

Even after seeking out vaginal steam sessions and loving the practice, Kit herself was a bit eye rolley about the whole thing.

(Patriarchy’s grasp is strong!)

However, after further study of the vaginal steaming's global history, witnessing countless stories of healing, and reviewing tested science and data, Kit was completely hooked. Known for her relentless curiosity, unshakable commitment to women's safety and empowerment, and infectious laugh, Kit set out to learn everything she possibly could about vaginal steaming.

She embarked on a certification course to become a Vaginal Steam Practitioner and transitioned fully from being a skeptic to trained specialist.

Then Kit realized, without easy access to the products needed for safe and easy vaginal steaming, the practice would struggle to reach yonis far and wide. So with her unique blend of feminism, creativity, and determination, Kit set off to create a venture to spread the love and healing.

Thus was born Kitara, a consumer brand for honest, knowledgeable, and holistic menstrual and uterine health.  

Thank you 

Kit is immensely grateful to her teachers.

From Costa Rica to Bali to Hawaii to Joshua Tree to Peru, Kit's travelled the world to work with renowned coaches and healers. Her transformative 1:1 work with  Nisha Moodley, Elayne Kalila Doughty, Javier Regueiro, Lola Pickett, and Stephanie Burg led her to a reality of healing she wouldn't have otherwise imagined possible.


Kit is an ardent student of Keli Garza's/ Steamy Chick (above) and is grateful for her leadership in the field of vaginal steaming and womb health. 

Kit is joyously humbled to be surrounded by a community of inspiring, good humored, and open-hearted friends and family. She gives special thanks to her husband, mother, father, and brother, for their steadfast patience, encouragement, and love. 

Everything You Need to Yoni Steam at Home

Steam safely & effectively with:

✔ All Inclusive Yoni Steam Set-ups

✔ Handmade Yoni Steam Seats   

✔ Safe Yoni Steam Pots 

✔ Organic Yoni Steam Herbs

✔ Yoni Steam Robes and Blankets

✔ Special Yoni Steam Accessories

Kitara Yoni Steam Seats Feature:

  • Premium Birch and Solid Red Cedar Woods
  • Handles or collapsibility for ease of portability
  • Lids with elongated diamond openings - allowing steam to reach from vulva to anus
  • Finished and protected by 100% Tung Oil (all natural and toxin-free)
  • Tested up to 350lbs
  • 14in x14in x 14in, Functional and Comfortable