Yoni steaming has many reported benefits. 

Here you'll find eight reasons to include yoni steaming in your health and wellness routine. 

1. A Balanced & Optimal Menstrual Cycle

Yoni steaming supports the re-balancing of the cycle and the return of a healthy and consistent period.

  • Keeps healthy cycles healthy.

  • Shortens long cycles and brings back missing periods.

  • Addressing uterine fatigue and lengthens short cycles. V steaming supports the re-balancing of cycle and the return to a healthy and consistent period.

2. Pain Free Periods 

The root cause of cramps and lower back pain is the stagnated blood that the uterus is contracting in effort to release. Vaginal steaming supports the complete monthly cleanse of the uterus. No stagnation = no reason for the uterus to cramp.  

The presence of brown blood before and after the monthly period is an indication of stagnation. If you have this occurrence of brown blood, please know that it is common but not normal or optimal. Yoni steaming clears stagnation and yields a regular monthly bleed of 3-4 days of fresh red blood. 

3. Yoni Steam for Increased Fertility

The number one indicator of optimal fertility is the presence of a healthy menstrual cycle, including monthly ovulation and a regular healthy period.  Steaming addresses the root cause of infertility by supporting the return of balanced and healthy cycle. 

Vaginal steaming is also used to cleanse and prepare the uterus for insemination, IVF, and IUI. In these cases steaming is only safe before, never after, the insemination/implementation. 

4. Fibroids & Cysts 

Yoni steaming helps liquify and release fibroids and cysts as a non-surgical option to their removal. 

Please see "Fibroids & Non-Surgical Healing" for more information about yoni steaming for fibroid healing. 

5. Menopause & Post Menopause Support

  • Yoni steaming adds moisture into the body helping to address vaginal dryness 
  • Cooling herbs are used to release excess heat from the body
  • Vaginal steaming is a practice enabling sustained connection to our womb space, life cycles, Mother Earth, and the moon.    

6. Sexual Aliveness

Vaginal steaming may increase lubrication and libido and can be used as an embodiment practice for sexual awakening and healing.  

7. Postpartum Care

Vaginal steaming for postpartum recovery has a rich, robust, and global history. Birthing people across the globe are revitalizing this practice. For more information, please see 8 Benefits of Postpartum Yoni Steaming.

8. Holistic Health

Beyond the many physical benefits of steaming are the emotional healing and spiritual connection also possible through this practice. 

Adding ritual and intention can take a steam practice to a whole new level, yielding boundless healing potential.

Vaginal steam schedules outlining when and how often you should steam to address your unique intentions, will vary depending on the individual.  

To receive the most benefit from your steam practice,


Benefits of Vaginal Steaming. Kitara Love Graphic. Yoni Steam Results
Disclaimer: The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, dietary supplement, exercise, or other health program.

Everything You Need to Yoni Steam at Home

Steam safely & effectively with:

✔ All Inclusive Yoni Steam Set-ups

✔ Handmade Yoni Steam Seats   

✔ Safe Yoni Steam Pots 

✔ Organic Yoni Steam Herbs

✔ Yoni Steam Robes and Blankets

✔ Special Yoni Steam Accessories

Kitara Yoni Steam Seats Feature:

  • Premium Birch and Solid Red Cedar Woods
  • Handles or collapsibility for ease of portability
  • Lids with elongated diamond openings - allowing steam to reach from vulva to anus
  • Finished and protected by 100% Tung Oil (all natural and toxin-free)
  • Tested up to 350lbs
  • 14in x14in x 14in, Functional and Comfortable